Let’s Find Your Program

Lead Smarter Live Better

Is your life all about work, stress and no play? Work-life balance what?

Are you pushing so hard to get the results that you’re missing out on precious time with your friend and famiy?

Skipping the gym, working late and worrying all weekend?

Lead Smarter Live Better is a 90 day Group program with personalised 1-1 support that will show you how to get results you’re proud of without missing out on life & inspire others to do the same.

Don’t miss the start…

Ultimate Fulfilment Finder

Have you lost the passion you once had in your career?

The Ultimate Fulfilment Finder leaves no stone unturned to leave you crystal clear on exactly what you need in your career and what path you need to take to build a career (and life) that you’ll love.

With your personalised Career Blueprint you never feel lost again.

You’ll get eye-opening insights to last a lifetime and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

Success Kickstarter

If you have a specific situation or challenge that you feel only requires limited time support, the Success Kickstarter could be right for you.

In 90 minutes we laser in to diagnose your problem and provide you personal strategies to fix it and implement in your own time.

These sessions provide the insights and clarity you need to move forward with confidence.

You’ll be empowered and set for the success you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Then you’re in the right place, many of my clients are in the same situation when they first reach out. They feel unfulfilled, perhaps frustrated and in search of something, but are not sure what that something is. The work that we do is designed to help you clarify exactly what you want to achieve, before we embark on uncovering the steps needed to ensure you achieve it. In fact, even if you come with a clear goal, we still work with you to clarify that this is the right path for you. You’d be surprised how many people embark on the path they think they should take, as opposed the one that they really want.

  • Yes, you can and many clients who have started here in the past have taken the option to partner on a different program after their initial sessions or have returned some time later to do so once they’ve implemented some of the actions from the Kickstarter

  • PRINT® is one of the biggest breakthroughs for unleashing and achieving human potential in recent years. It is the only tool that accurately reveals the root cause of why people do what they do. It gives us the understanding we need to do things in a way that makes us happy and productive. And it is proven to significantly improve individual and team performance.

    For individuals, we can use the PRINT® tool to uncover your Unconscious Motivators® and the Career Requirements tools to ensure alignment for sustained fulfilment and self awareness. When our Unconscious Motivators® are being met our engagement and fulfilment levels are significantly increased.

    For organisations, whether you need help motivating team members, recruiting and retaining excellent talent, working through change, building high performance leaders or increasing personal productivity, PRINT® will give you the necessary insight, tools and strategies to make significant advances. Learn more from The Paul Hertz Group.

  • Yes. We tailor the coaching solution to your specific organisational needs. Many companies choose to incorporate PRINT 1-1 or Group Workshops. Reach out and we will understand what you are wanting to achieve and advice our best solution.

  • Nearly all of the coaching sessions I deliver are via Zoom or a Mobile phone call. The benefits in either of these are that you can speak openly without being distracted or concerned about other people around you. It’s also most efficient to fit in around busy schedules as you have no travel time and means a higher volume of available times.

  • 1-1 sessions run for up to 60 minutes via telephone or Zoom, unless otherwise agreed. It is also more comfortable for most to have these conversations in their own environment and is a preferred method for almost everybody that I work with.

    You can expect a two way dialogue, with a lot of questions that will encourage you to think deeply about your responses, to truly ensure you are on the right path and that we are addressing the right issues for your goals. At the start of each session we evaluate progress since your last session to hold you to account on your actions, and hear from you as to what is important to cover in the current session as we work along our agreed roadmap. Typically, you will complete and return Questionnaire before a session commences to ensure that we are all on the same page with what matters we need to address - this ensures you get maximum results.

    Where Group sessions form a part of your coaching program, sessions are either run at your office or online, pending relevant logistics. The nature of the sessions is not too dissimilar from a 1-1 but within a group setting you have the added benefit of learning from others as each person shares their challenges and experiences.

  • Coaching can be invigorating and have you feeling relieved, excited, clear, but also tired! Hence, where possible coming to a session well rested and with an open mind that is prepared to move one step closer to your goals is exactly what you need. As I deliver most sessions from your own environment, it is worth ensuring that you limit distractions by turning off the TV, closing down emails and social media, and ensuring anyone else including pets (!) are not likely to distract you so you can invest your focus solely on our conversation for the duration of the session. Bring your progress against previous actions or ‘home-work’ that were previously agreed in whatever form works for you - for some that’s all stored in their head, others use a journal, a notebook or note on any worksheets that you may have taken away

  • We sure do. We have set payment plan structures and pricing for our Kickstart and Accelerator programs that allow you to spread payments in line with your cashflow. Just ask to discuss when we connect on our call.

  • Simply put, yes. Making the commitment to start can have a hugely positive impact as the pure commitment in itself can feel like we are progressing and taking control. The max. time period starts from the first session, not when you sign an agreement. Know that putting time into coaching will give you more time when you’re so busy as you begin to feel more in control and lighter about your work, tasks and life! Remember too that many people tell themselves they’re too busy, but are subconsciously sabotaging themselves. So check in with yourself on that.

  • Congratulations on making the decision to invest in yourself and the future you want. That’s very exciting.

    I understand that cashflow can be a barrier so just talk to me about how we can find a payment structure that works for you.

    Remember too that we often do have money for the things that we value the most, so it’s worth reflecting on the impact that investing on coaching will have on your life. How will you feel when your biggest problems are a thing of the past?

  • Of course. We never commit to working with a client without talking to them as we need to ensure we are the right fit to work together and that we know we can assist you with what you’re trying to achieve. Book a call and we’ll help you out.

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